Monday, July 30, 2018

John Farley Spotlight: A Package for Superior Performance for the Professional Tennis Player

I have written six blog posts on the benefits of the technology of Transcendental Meditation for the professional tennis player from six different angles of consideration. As a convenience, I am presenting all of them here in this single post in the order in which I published a "Package for Superior Performance for the Professional Tennis Player." Own the knowledge in each of these six presentations and you will be a better tennis player and a more integrated human being. It's as simple as that. I will introduce each presentation with an excerpt from the relevant post.

Number One: Tennis, Peak Performance, and Transcendental Meditation

"The message then to every player on the WTA is that to "own the zone" your brain has to perform in a more refined and a more sophisticated way. This is the key. Greater sophistication and refinement of neurophysiological functioning is at the basis of the elegance of movement, which is the ultimate expression of the experience of peak performance or being in the zone."

Tennis, Peak Performance, and Transcendental Meditation

Number Two: Combating the Toll of the Tennis Tour: A Performance Enhancing Technology (PET)

"A higher level of brain integration creates a higher level of psychophysiological resilience which enables the rhythms of the physiology to adjust quickly to the circadian rhythms of the environment, creating a synchrony that results in a more consistent, higher level of performance."

Combating the Toll of the Tennis Tour: A Performance Enhancing Technology (PET)

Number Three: Fitness From the Inside Through Transcendental Meditation

"'Fitness from the Inside' is created by accessing the innate, inner intelligence of the body through the technique of Transcendental Meditation (TM), a Technology of Consciousness. During the process of transcending during TM, conscious mind becomes consciousness, the deepest level of our own being. It is from this deepest level of our own being where we can most profoundly enliven this inner intelligence that conducts the evolution, development, and healing of the entire physiology."

Fitness from the Inside through Transcendental Meditation

Number Four: Why Every WTA Touring Player Should Learn Transcendental Meditation

"From the deep rest gained through the natural, effortless practice of Transcendental Meditation these impressions can be quickly dissolved, body vitality quickly restored, resulting in a more refined level of psychophysiological functioning that puts every player on the serving line the next time more mentally free and physically refreshed. This is the systematic technology for player recovery that has been missing from tennis."

Why Every WTA Touring Player Should Learn Transcendental Meditation

Number Five: Reversal of Aging: The Tennis Player and Transcendental Meditation

With the technology of Transcendental Meditation in her bag, as they say, each day that player will  be culturing a physiology, a level of perceptual motor performance that is operating continuously from a younger biological age, making her game sharper with each match and with each tournament and, at the same time, establishing the basis for a longer and possibly less injury-prone career.

Reversal of Aging: The Tennis Player and Transcendental Meditation

Number Six: The Professional Tennis Player and the State of Enlightenment

"Enlightenment is the natural state of human life. In the state of enlightenment the question of "who am I" is answered. You come to realize that you are not the adoption of some external persona you have perhaps identified yourself with, but you are a fully realized self, established in an unbounded field of pure intelligence, pure consciousness, pure energy, and bliss."

The Professional Tennis Player and the State of Enlightenment

After reading all of these presentations, you can clearly see that the integration of the technology of  Transcendental Meditation into the world of professional tennis will create a paradigm shift in the conception and in the scope of the application of Sports Science. It is the merger of the traditional applications of Sports Science and the Science of Consciousness. This is the ultimate package for superior performance in tennis.

Anyway, that's how I see it.

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